Dementia Tea - next date tbc

If you are in need of any support or health advice please email or telephone 07413412573.

Parish Nursing seeks to provide whole person health care through the church community based on Christ’s teaching and ministry, as demonstrated in the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37).  Parish Nurses provide support for the physical, mental, social and spiritual health of individuals and aim to improve the lives of people in the UK by ministering health and wholeness. It is available to people of all ages/backgrounds and faiths. It is entirely confidential.

Catherine Bannister is a Registered Nurse who is also a Practice Nurse in the Shoeburyness area.

Current health activities run by the Parish Nurse include:-

  • Home visits for advice and support with long term conditions,

  • Advice and support with a new diagnosis,

  • Pre and post operation visits,

  • Drop in Clinics for blood pressure checks, weight checks, health education/advice/support and signposting to other NHS and voluntary agencies.

The Parish Nurse does NOT perform invasive procedures such as injections or dressings. To contact Catherine please email on or telephone 07413412573.

Please note this is not an emergency service and Catherine works part time. If you are unwell please contact your GP or ring NHS Direct on 111.


Here at STBBC

Every Friday 10am-11am

Exercise Class

Here at STBBC

Every Friday (except the 3rd Friday of each month)

£4 per session

11am - 12noon Seated or standing fitness
